User: the user of the General Condition, namely Art’Anna.
Art’Anna – Life Events & Experiences: Helena Steurbaut, acting under the name “Art’Anna – Life Events & Experiences”; “Art’Anna”; with seat at B – 8800 Roeselare, Peter Benoitstraat 2 and registered in the register of companies under number BE 0831.150.537.
Other party: the party accepting the validity of the General Conditions, namely: the “Client”.
Client: the party issuing the order for organizing a wedding, or in whose name Art’Anna organizes a wedding, jubilee, proposal of marriage, engagement party, baby shower, anniversary party, communion party or any other event or makes a reservation for same. Until the Agreement is entered into, the Client is also referred to applicant.
Agreement: the agreement or order for service provision.
Products: the products offered/sold/leased out by Art'Anna.
Written: the written communication such as e-mail or registered mail, where appropriate.
1.1 These conditions apply to all offers and quotations from Art’Anna, and also to agreements concluded with Client(s), including changes to same insofar no alterations in writing were made to these conditions.
1.2 Should one or more stipulations of the present general conditions is/are or should be nullified then the other stipulations of these general conditions remain fully applicable and valid.
1.3 Any change to these general conditions must be approved to in writing by both parties. The applicability of conditions possibly used by Client is explicitly refused by Art’Anna. These are replaced by the present general conditions.
2.1 The first quotation issued is mutual noncommittal; no rights can be derived from printing and typing errors, neither from damaged quotations.
2.2 Quotations have, except it shows differently from the quotation or when otherwise agreed, a validity of one month starting from the date stated on the quotation.
2.3 The order agreement between Art’Anna and Client is realized by the acceptance by Art’Anna of a quotation signed by Client.
2.4 Should Art’Anna have received the order and have started already upon the request of Client with the execution and/or change of a quotation, but no order agreement is entered into between parties, then the applicant is due payment of the costs made by Art’Anna. Under costs made is understood amongst other things the costs related to research for more information than the information as described in the quotation, costs related to visiting locations, discussions at the client’s residence etc.
2.5 A quotation consisting of various parts does not bind Art’Anna to carry out any part of the quotation against the price quoted for that specific part of the quotation.
2.6 Offers and quotations are not automatically valid for future orders.
2.7 The prices relating to services and goods delivered by third parties (suppliers) and other parties are not included in the sums due to Art’Anna. Possible additional costs calculated by suppliers or other third parties are to the expense of Client.
3.1 Client must ensure that all data and documents that are needed Art’Anna, this at heir discretion for the correct and timely execution of the order given, are made available to Art’Anna in the format indicated by Art’Anna.
3.2 Client must ensure that Art’Anna is informed immediately of facts and circumstances that may be important in view of the correct fulfilment of the order.
3.3 Except when the nature of the order proofs otherwise, Client is responsible for the correctness, completeness and reliability of the documents made available to Art’Anna, even if these originate from third parties.
3.4 Except when the nature of the order proofs otherwise, Client will deploy or have deployed the personnel deemed necessary by Art’Anna to enable Art’Anna to carry out the works. Should specific personnel be necessary, this will be agreed upon and this will be laid down in the order confirmation. Client must ensure that its personnel have the necessary skills and experience to carry out the works.
3.5. The extra costs and extra honoraria resulting from a delay in the execution of the order and that is caused by the not, or untimely, or not as-should making available of the requested data, documents, facilities and/or personnel, come to the account of Client.
4.1 Art’Anna is only under the obligation to carry out the order after receipt by Art’Anna of the quotation signed by Client and after payment of the first agreed sum.
4.2 If and insofar a good execution of the order agreement requires this, Art’Anna is entitled to have certain works carried out by third parties.
4.3 If certain works are executed by third parties brought in by Art’Anna in the framework of the agreement on the location of Client or at a location indicated by Client, then Client will bear these expenses. These costs are not included in the sum due as agreed by parties, except when otherwise agreed explicitly in writing.
4.4 Other persons than those meant in Article 4.2, such as suppliers, are engaged by and to the account of Client, except when parties explicitly agree otherwise in writing.
4.5 If Client wishes to involve third parties in the execution of the order, he/she will only do this after having reached consent with Art’Anna, since the direct or indirect involvement of a third party in the execution of the order could significantly influence the possibilities of Art’Anna to carry out the order correctly.
5.1 If it shows during the execution of the order that it becomes necessary for the correct execution of same to change or supplement the works to be carried out, parties will timely and in mutual consultation adjust the agreement.
5.2 If the change and/or the supplement to the agreement imply financial and/or qualitative consequences then Art’Anna will inform Client beforehand.
5.3 Art’Anna reserves the right to pass on to Client legally imposed price increases and unforeseen reasonably necessary higher costs that arise between the order confirmation and the execution. Art’Anna is under the obligation to inform Client as soon as possible of these changes in price and to explain the reasons for same.
5.4 Art’Anna can moreover increase the amount of the quotation if it shows during the execution of the works that the originally agreed or expected quantity of work was estimated significantly wrong when entering into the agreement, and when this cannot be attributed to Art’Anna, meaning that it cannot be expected in all fairness from Art’Anna to carry out the works at the originally agreed sum. Art’Anna will inform Client in this case of their intention to increase the due sum. Art’Anna will in this case indicate to Client the extent of the increase and the date of applicability.
5.5 Each change in service provision by Art’Anna as described in the quotation must be requested beforehand by Client and must be explicitly be approved by Art’Anna. Client further accepts that any new request can change the price of the service provision by Art’Anna. Art’Anna will edit for each change a new quotation that must be approved by Client.
Article 6 - HONORARIUM
The honorarium of Art’Anna is exclusive costs made by Art’Anna and exclusive of declarations by third parties engaged by Art’Anna except when stated otherwise.
7.1 The performances are invoiced conform to the tariff stated in the quotation.
7.2 All prices stated in the quotation and/or specification sheet are inclusive of VAT, except when stated otherwise. The VAT tariff for service provision by Art’Anna is 21%. The invoices are delivered by Art’Anna in paper and/or electronic format.
7.3 The agreed honorarium for the Art’Anna services is invoiced depending on the nature of the order in various ways. In case of full organization of a wedding or event, both at home and abroad, the agreed sum is invoiced in three parts, based upon the honorarium in the quotation: 50% when the agreement is entered into, 25% four weeks before the wedding or the event and 25% on the day after the wedding of the event. In case of wedding day escort, the agreed sum is invoiced in two parts: 60% when the agreement is entered into and 40% after the wedding day. In case of wedding advice the agreed sum is invoiced in full (100%) after the wedding. Payment of services by third parties in which Art’Anna act as intermediate party are stipulated in the special agreement conditions.
7.4 Payment by Client must be done within 14 days after invoice date, except when agreed otherwise in writing between Client and Art’Anna.
7.5 After the wedding day, Client possibly receives an extra invoice based upon subsequent calculation for the costs that were not yet invoiced and possible crediting of debiting that arose because of changes to the order agreement.
7.6 Possible objections concerning the (level of the) invoice do not suspend the duty for payment for the non-disputed part of the invoice.
7.5 Client that does not pay timely is legally in default as from the expiry of the due date, without notice of default must be served. Art’Anna has the right to demand a complementary indemnification for all costs already made under the agreement. In case of default by Client, Art’Anna is furthermore entitled to calculate legal interests, commencing on the due date until the day of actual payment increased by an indemnification for extra-legal collection costs to the amount of 15% of the agreed sum.
7.6 Art’Anna is entitled to use the payments made by Client first to settle the amount of the costs, then for the due interests and finally for payment of the main sum and the running interests.
7.7 In case of a collectively given order, Clients are insofar as the works are carried out for the collective Clients, severally liable for payment of the full invoice.
Complaints must be sent in writing and by means of registered letter with proof of delivery to Art’Anna within 14 days after the invoice date. If this term is passed, the invoice is considered accepted without any prejudice. Please always mention the date and the invoice number. When a complaint is received, Art’Anna will seek a solution in consultation with Client that is mutually satisfactory. If no solution can be found, the decision is deferred to the judge.
9.1 The terms agreed are binding for both Client and Art’Anna. Deviation on the agreed terms are only possible after prior agreement in writing between Client and Art’Anna, except in cases of force majeure as stipulated in article 15.
9.2 Client accepts that deviations to the execution terms can possible give rise to an increase in price. Art’Anna will always notify Client beforehand of an increase in price.
9.3 In case of deviations to the execution term due to Client and of which Art’Anna was not informed beforehand, Art’Anna reserves the right to increase the price with a lumpsum equal to 15%. In case Art’Anna changes the execution term without prior notification, Client is due a lumpsum indemnification sum equal to 15% of the agreed price
9.4 If because by a not beforehand notified change in the execution term by Client or Art’Anna the agreement can no longer be executed in full, Art’Anna is entitled to consider the agreement null and void, without any entitlement for indemnification for the other party.
9.5 Client accepts that in case of nullification all amounts that are already paid are definitively acquired by Art’Anna in the framework of services already delivered.
10.1 Both Client and Art’Anna always have the right to cancel the agreement. Cancellation of the agreement must always be done by means of a registered letter with proof of delivery and at least fifteen days before the cancellation comes into force. Referring to Article 9.5 all sums already paid at the moment of cancellation, remain definitively acquired.
10.2 Upon cancellation by Client an indemnification must always be paid to Art’Anna equal to 15% of the total sum as agreed in the quotation. Upon cancellation by Client during the week before the wedding / event or on the day of the wedding / event itself, Client must still pay the remaining 50% to Art’Anna meaning that the total amount due must be paid.
10.3 Art’Anna has the right to cancel / refuse an agreement if the contents of same in their judgement can harm the interests and/ or the good name of the company.
10.4 If the safety of guests, personnel and/or contracted workforce is insufficiently guaranteed of in case of wrongful use of the materials that are made available, Art’Anna is entitled to deviate to their own discretion from the agreements already made, or to cancel same in full or partially, this to the cost of the party in default.
10.5 If the agreement is cancelled, the claims of Art’Anna towards Client are immediately enforceable. If Art’Anna suspends the execution of the duties, they keep valid their legal claims and those due under the agreement.
10.6 If Client nullifies an agreement in full of partially, the costs already made by Art’Anna, including remunerations to third parties will be paid in full by Client as a result of this nullification.
10.7. If Client nullifies an agreement in full or partially, the costs already made by Art’Anna, including remunerations to third parties will be paid in full by Client as a result of this nullification. The cancellation costs amount to 75% of the agreed sum in case of cancellation up to 4 weeks before the wedding date; 90% of the agreed sum in case of cancellation between 1 to 4 weeks before the wedding date and 100% of the agreed sum in case of cancellation during the last week before the wedding date or in case of nullification on the day of the wedding.
Article 11 - LIABILITY
11.1 Art’Anna will carry out the works to the best of their ability and in this observe the due diligence that can be expected from Art’Anna. If a mistake is made because of faulty or incomplete information given by Client to Art’Anna then Art’Anna is not liable for the damage caused. If Client proofs that he suffers loss because of a mistake made by Art’Anna that could have been avoided by careful working, then Art’Anna is only liable for direct damage up to the maximum of the agreed sum.
11.2 Under direct damage is exclusively understood:
- the reasonable costs for determining the cause and the extend of the damage, insofar as the determining concerns the damage as meant in these general conditions;
- the possible reasonable costs made to determine the fault made by Art’Anna in the observance of the agreement if these can be contributed to Art’Anna;
- reasonable costs made for the prevention or the limitation of damage, insofar Client proofs that these costs lead to the limitation of direct damage as meant in these general conditions.
11.3 Art’Anna is not responsible for indirect damage. By this is meant result damage, loss of profit, loss of savings, damage caused by business interruption, costs resulting from sentencing for legal costs, interest and/or delay damage, damage as a result of providing defective cooperation and/or information by Client, and/or damage because of noncommittal information provided or advice given by Art’Anna of which the content is not an explicit part of the written agreement.
11.4 The limitation of lability laid down in section 1 of this Article is also made valid to the benefit of third parties that are engaged by Art’Anna for the execution of the order.
11.5 Employees or trainees and/or third parties are not entitled to engage Art’Anna as entrepreneur in whatever way. Orders taken by them are only valid after written confirmation by Mrs. Helena Steurbaut and/or Mr. Bert De Smet of bvba Art’Anna themselves. We reserve the right to refuse orders or to deliver goods for which we did not provide the said confirmation.
11.6 Art’Anna is not liable for damage or loss of properties during transport or when sending same by the postal services, irrespective whether the transport or sending is done in the name of Client, Art’Anna or third parties.
12.1 In case of agreements with third parties in Belgium, Art’Anna can only be considered as intermediary. All agreements with third parties are, via mediation by Art’Anna, concluded directly between the third party and Client, except when stated otherwise. In case of agreements with third parties abroad Art’Anna must not only be seen as an intermediary, but Art’Anna enters themselves into the agreement with the third parties after consent in writing by Client.
12.2 In agreements with third parties abroad, Client agrees to the general conditions of Art’Anna and with the general conditions of the third parties. These are always disclosed.
12.3 In the case where Art’Anna is asked to sign quotations or to accept goods, this is always done in name and to the account of Client. Art’Anna is never liable for agreements, the execution of agreements, payment of agreements entered into between Client and a third party (or their employees and/or their appointed persons) in which Art’Anna mediated.
13.1 Client safeguards Art’Anna against claims by third parties for damage caused because Client provided faulty or incomplete information to Art’Anna, except when Client proofs that the damage is not related to actions or failing to act by Client or that are caused by intention or gross negligence by Art’Anna and except any enforceable (inter)national Law does not allow such stipulation.
13.2 Client safeguards Art’Anna against claims by third parties concerning the rights of intellectual property on materials and data provided by Client that are used for the execution of the order.
13.3 Client safeguards Art’Anna against claims by third parties as meant in Article 4.2 and against claims by third parties as meant in Article 4.4.
13.4 Should Client provide Art’Anna information carriers, electronic files or software etc., then Client guarantees that the information carriers, electronic files or software are free of viruses and faults
Article 14 – INSURANCE
In case of a wedding, Client engages to enter into a wedding insurance with a company at their own choice. Art’Anna can at any given moment demand Client to present proof of this insurance.
Article 15 – FORCE MAJEURE
15.1 If Art'Anna is not able to execute the agreement due to force majeure, Art'Anna reserves the right to terminate the agreement without any compensation to be claimed by the Client. Force majeure is any circumstance beyond our will and control that prevents the fulfilment of the obligations of the Service Provider in whole or in part. This may include, but is not limited to: strikes, unexpected traffic jams, accidents on European roads, fire, business interruptions, energy failures, failures in a (telecommunications) network or connection or used communication systems, non or late delivery by suppliers or other third parties, Covid-19 and its consequences, etc.
15.2 Client is informed as soon as possible by Art’Anna of the force majeure, except should Art’Anna not have been informed of the address by Client, neither when it cannot reasonably be known. In this case Client is informed as soon as possible by word of mouth of the force majeure.
15.3 The same applies for Client, but in case of a wedding Art’Anna explicitly exclude the acceptance of termination of the relation between bride and groom as a case of force majeure. Are however considered as force majeure (to be read as limitative) the following events:
- the decease of one of the spouses;
- hospitalization of bride or groom, except this is part of a treatment beforehand known to bride or groom;
- decease or sudden hospitalization of family members of bride or groom in the first degree and/or of the witnesses;
- war situation, natural disasters, earthquakes.
15.4 Also in case of cancellation due to force majeure, invoices already paid will be considered as acquired by Art’Anna. Also, the already delivered services will still be invoiced and due. Outstanding amounts to the Service Provider and other suppliers will also be due.
Article 16 – PRIVACY
16.1. Both parties are under the obligation to keep secret all confidential information that they have acquired from each other or from whatever other source. Information is considered confidential if this is mentioned as such by the other party or when this is clear from the nature of the information.
16.2. If for legal stipulations or because of a judicial order Art’Anna must provide confidential information to a by third party designated by Law or by a competent judge, and Art’Anna can in such case not call upon a legal or on a by the competent judge allowed privilege to decline, then Art’Anna is not due any indemnification or compensation, and Client is not empowered to dissolution of the agreement on the grounds of whatever damage caused by this.
16.3 Art’Anna will always take care of the correct processing of the data provided by Client, this in accordance with Belgian Law where specific reference is made to the relevant stipulations of the Law of 8 December 1992 on the protection of the privacy and integrity of the individual concerning the processing of personal data, and its implementation order.
17.1 Art’Anna reserves all rights of intellectual property concerning the intellectual products that they use and/or did use in the past and/or develop and/or did develop in the past in the framework of the execution of the order and of which they have or can exercise the copyright or other rights of intellectual property.
17.2 Client is forbidden to multiply, make public or exploit any products, including computer programs, system designs, procedures, advices, (model)contracts and other intellectual products of Art’Anna, this in the broadest sense of the meaning, either or not using third parties. Multiplying or making public and/or exploitation is only allowed after written consent given by Art’Anna.
Article 18 – DISPUTES
18.1 Disputes between Art’Anna and Client are submitted to the competent judge of the residence seat of Art’Anna.
18.2 Client is entitled, this within one month after Art’Anna called against him based upon section 1, to choose for judgement of the dispute a competent judge as foreseen by Law.
The agreement between Client and Art’Anna is always governed by Belgian Law. In case of a dispute of whatever nature or for legal judicial recovery of claims only the Justice of Peace Court of the district of Roeselare and the Courts of First Instance and of the Courts of Commerce (the case being) of Veurne are competent, except should Art 624 Ger. W (Belgian Legal Code) stipulate otherwise.
In case of dispute the original Dutch text of these general conditions supersedes all translations.
Art’Anna Life Events & Experiences, onderdeel van Art’Anna bv, met maatschappelijke zetel te Roeselare, Peter Benoitstraat 2 en ingeschreven in het handelsregister onder nummer BE 0831.150.537 hecht veel waarde en belang aan je privacy en de veilige verwerking van je persoonsgegevens bij het gebruik van de website Wij willen de gegevens van onze klanten (hierna: “Klanten”) en bezoekers van onze website (hierna: “Bezoekers”) optimaal beschermen tegen verlies, lekken, fouten, onterechte toegangen en enige andere onrechtmatige verwerking.
Wij zullen je persoonsgegevens dan ook uitsluitend verwerken in overeenstemming met de Europese Verordening van 27 april 2016 betreffende de bescherming van natuurlijke personen in verband met de verwerking van persoonsgegevens en betreffende het vrije verkeer van die gegevens (hierna: AVG) evenals de Wet van 30 juli 2018 betreffende de bescherming van natuurlijke personen met betrekking tot de verwerking van persoonsgegevens.
Met deze Privacyverklaring wil Art’Anna BV je als betrokkene, in de zin van de AVG, te informeren over de verwerkingen en je afdoend informeren, o.a. over je rechten als betrokkene.
Art’Anna BV wenst je er op te wijzen dat de verstrekking van bepaalde verplicht aangegeven persoonsgegevens een noodzakelijke voorwaarde betreft om onze diensten te kunnen leveren. Bij gebreke aan voormelde persoonsgegevens zullen de diensten niet of slechts gebrekkig aangeboden kunnen worden door Art’Anna BV.
Waar nodig zullen wij je als betrokkene om een geïnformeerde, vrije, ondubbelzinnige en specifieke toestemming vragen voor het uitvoeren van bepaalde verwerkingshandelingen. Het is mogelijk dat ons privacy beleid in de toekomst vatbaar is voor aanpassingen en wijzigingen. Deze zullen duidelijk gemaakt worden in onze Privacyverklaring. Het is dan ook aan jou om op regelmatige basis dit document te raadplegen. Iedere substantiële wijziging zal steeds duidelijk gecommuniceerd worden en het voorwerp dienen uit te maken van een nieuwe toestemming, indien vereist.
Persoonsgegevens die wij verwerken
Art’Anna bv verwerkt uw persoonsgegevens doordat u gebruik maakt van onze diensten en/of omdat u deze zelf aan ons verstrekt.
Hieronder vindt u een overzicht van de persoonsgegevens die wij verwerken:
• Voor- en familienaam
• Bedrijfsnaam
• Adres
• Telefoonnummer
• E-mailadres
Bijzondere en/of gevoelige persoonsgegevens die wij verwerken
Onze website en/of dienst heeft niet de intentie gegevens te verzamelen over website bezoekers die jonger zijn dan 18 jaar. Tenzij ze toestemming hebben van ouders of voogd. We kunnen echter niet controleren of een bezoeker ouder dan 18 is. Wij raden ouders dan ook aan betrokken te zijn bij de online activiteiten van hun kinderen, om zo te voorkomen dat er gegevens over kinderen verzameld worden zonder ouderlijke toestemming. Als u er van overtuigd bent dat wij zonder die toestemming persoonlijke gegevens hebben verzameld over een minderjarige, neem dan contact met ons op via mail, dan verwijderen wij deze informatie.
Met welk doel en op basis van welke grondslag wij persoonsgegevens verwerken
Art’Anna bv verwerkt uw persoonsgegevens voor de volgende doelen:
• U te kunnen bellen of e-mailen indien dit nodig is om onze dienstverlening uit te kunnen voeren.
• U te informeren over wijzigingen van onze diensten en producten.
• Om goederen en diensten bij u af te leveren.
Geautomatiseerde besluitvorming
Art’Anna bv neemt niet op basis van geautomatiseerde verwerkingen besluiten over zaken die (aanzienlijke) gevolgen kunnen hebben voor personen. Het gaat hier om besluiten die worden genomen door computerprogramma’s of -systemen, zonder dat daar een mens (bijvoorbeeld een medewerker van Art’Anna bv) tussen zit.
Hoe lang we persoonsgegevens bewaren
Art’Anna bv bewaart uw persoonsgegevens niet langer dan strikt nodig is om de doelen te realiseren waarvoor uw gegevens worden verzameld. Wij hanteren de volgende bewaartermijnen voor de volgende (categorieën) van persoonsgegevens:
• Naam en voornaam > onbepaald > informerende rol
• Adres > onbepaald > informerende en dienende rol
• E-mail > onbepaald > informerende rol
• Telefoon > onbepaald > informerende rol
Delen van persoonsgegevens met derden
Art’Anna bv verstrekt uitsluitend aan derden en alleen als dit nodig is voor de uitvoering van onze overeenkomst met u of om te voldoen aan een wettelijke verplichting.
Gegevens inzien, aanpassen of verwijderen
U heeft het recht om uw persoonsgegevens in te zien, te corrigeren of te verwijderen. Daarnaast heeft u het recht om uw eventuele toestemming voor de gegevensverwerking in te trekken of bezwaar te maken tegen de verwerking van uw persoonsgegevens door Art’Anna bv en heeft u het recht op gegevensoverdraagbaarheid. Dat betekent dat u bij ons een verzoek kunt indienen om de persoonsgegevens die wij van u beschikken in een computerbestand naar u of een ander, door u genoemde organisatie, te sturen. U kunt een verzoek tot inzage, correctie, verwijdering, gegevensoverdraging van uw persoonsgegevens of verzoek tot intrekking van uw toestemming of bezwaar op de verwerking van uw persoonsgegevens via mail versturen.
Om er zeker van te zijn dat het verzoek tot inzage door u is gedaan, vragen wij u een kopie van uw identiteitsbewijs met het verzoek mee te sturen. Maak in deze kopie uw pasfoto, MRZ (machine readable zone, de strook met nummers onderaan het paspoort), paspoortnummer en Rijksregisternummer zwart. Dit ter bescherming van uw privacy. We reageren zo snel mogelijk, maar binnen de vier weken, op uw verzoek.
Art’Anna bv wil u er tevens op wijzen dat u de mogelijkheid heeft om een klacht in te dienen bij de nationale toezichthouder, nl. de Gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit.
Hoe wij persoonsgegevens beveiligen
Art’Anna bv neemt de bescherming van uw gegevens serieus en neemt passende maatregelen om misbruik, verlies, onbevoegde toegang, ongewenste openbaarmaking en ongeoorloofde wijziging tegen te gaan. Als u de indruk heeft dat uw gegevens niet goed beveiligd zijn of er aanwijzingen zijn van misbruik, neem dan contact op via mail.
Cookies, of vergelijkbare technieken, die wij gebruiken
Art’Anna bv gebruikt alleen technische en functionele cookies, alsook analytische cookies die geen inbreuk maken op uw privacy. Een cookie is een tekstbestandje dat door de server van een website in de browser van uw computer of op uw mobiel apparaat geplaatst wordt wanneer u de website raadpleegt. De cookie bevat een unieke code die toelaat om uw browser te herkennen gedurende het bezoek aan de website (een zogenaamde ‘session’ cookie) of bij latere, herhaalde bezoeken (een zogenaamde ‘permanente’ cookie). Cookies kunnen geplaatst worden door de server van de website die u bezoekt of door partners waarmee deze website samenwerkt. De server van een website kan alleen de cookies lezen die hij zelf geplaatst heeft, hij heeft geen toegang tot andere informatie die zich op je computer of mobiel apparaat bevindt. Cookies worden op uw computer of uw mobiel apparaat gestockeerd in de folder van uw browser. De inhoud van een cookie bestaat meestal uit de naam van de server die de cookie geplaatst heeft, een vervaldatum en een unieke cijfercode.
Cookies maken de interactie tussen de bezoeker en de website over het algemeen gemakkelijker en sneller en helpen de bezoeker om te navigeren tussen de verschillende onderdelen van een website. Cookies kunnen ook gebruikt worden om de inhoud van een website of de publiciteit op een website relevanter te maken voor de bezoeker en deze aan te passen aan zijn persoonlijke smaak en behoeften.
Meer informatie over cookies vindt u tevens op: